Beta is in!

So yesterday (10dp5dt), I had my official bloods and it came back positive with a beta of 344! We caved and tested on 7dp5dt and got a faint line. It wasn’t a squinter but it was faint. We didn’t get our hopes up too much because of our experience with my chemical in March, so we remained guarded until the following morning. On 8dp5dt I tested again and we crossed fingers we would get a darker line. With my chemical I had faint positive tests but they never got darker as the days went on so we knew it wasn’t going to be great news. Well it was so much more darker! We tested again on day 9 and the morning of day 10 and each time the test was darker. I also started to feel nauseous on day 8 so I was quietly optimistic that we had a sticky one but continued to remain guarded until we heard those numbers.

So now we wait. Again. I have to go back in a week for another blood test to make sure my numbers are doing what they should. Even though we’re really excited, there’s still a tiny part of me that’s scared to get too attached to this pregnancy because anything can happen. If/when we make it to about 12 weeks, I think I’ll be able to enjoy it a bit more. What a rollercoaster ride of emotions!

This pregnancy, even though I’m only 4.5 weeks so far, is already so different to what my pregnancy was with our son, J. I think I was about 6-7 weeks along before I experienced nausea and I didn’t have any other symptons. This time I felt sick before we had bloods done and have had back pain and fatigue. These symptoms are kind of comforting, in a not so comforting way lol, because it reminds me that I am actually pregnant.
The whole 3 of us have been struck down with a horrible head cold so we’re home all week. It’s nice to have nowhere to be for a few days. Time to sit back and relax a little. We’re suppose to be heading away with friends for a camping trip this weekend but I think we’ll play it by ear and see how we’re all feeling by friday. I’m looking forward to it so I hope we don’t all still feel like death!

Now the countdown is on until next Tuesday..

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